Cowboy Junkies
The beautiful is not chosen
Please do not forsake me now,
The beautiful is not chosen
I have never tired of
Lie me upon the earth
The beautiful is not chosen
The beautiful is not chosen
'And two lost souls find one fresh start...'
Like Water For Chocolate
You are the
Darkling Days
The chosen becomes beautiful
The beautiful is not chosen
The chosen becomes beautiful
Sparkling gone
With darkling says
I drift at times I know it's true
But I always drift on back to you
The chosen becomes beautiful
Manna falling from above
When conscious thought
Meets careless heart
And two lost souls find one fresh start
Feel it's curve beneath our spines,
Soon we'll follow it around,
One lost soul
Finally found
The chosen becomes beautiful
These are known as darkling days
Rhyming schemes gone askew
Crackling gifts of light and air,
Exploding words,
Ours to share
The chosen becomes beautiful
Songs Sitemap
Without You
Reasons to Go
Contact Me person to visit
Thanks to Absolute Fonts Archive for the font Mordred